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Things you must do after primary angioplasty

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A primary angioplasty is conducted if a patient has blocked arteries. The resultant operation performed by any reputed cardiologist removes the blockage thus allowing smooth flow of blood. Often patients recover that is if the surgery was conducted successfully. However there are some things that the patients must keep in mind to fasten the recovery process. Here we will talk about certain things you must practice after primary angioplasty.

Take medicines on time

Meddling with the medicines after an angioplasty is not a wise decision. Your doctor has vast experience in the field that is why he asks you to follow the medicine schedule diligently. Most patients feel that they can start reducing their medicines as the procedure is now accomplished. However the safe use of medicines prevent you from facing complications like Stent thrombosis.

Don’t ignore any symptoms

After your procedure if you notice any symptoms like chest pain, discomfort, dyspepsia or breathing problems you must immediately meet the doctor. These signs are proof that there is some problem with your heart. You must not side line any symptom even if you experience it at any awkward time as carelessness could be fatal in this case.

Exercising after procedure

The procedure that your body has just undergone is a difficult one. However that does not mean that you have to remain bedridden forever. As soon as you feel you are better you must start moderate exercising. Start with a little bit of walking and then pick up the intensity of your exercise. If you are careful you would be able to reach original level of exercising post one month of the procedure. However it is advisable to avoid heavy weights and climbing slopes till 4-6 months of the procedure pass.

Diet moderation

Obviously you cannot start the normal diet you had before the procedure. You will now how to manage your calories as well as the diet. Your cardiologist would give you suggestions about the diet plan. It is very difficult for anyone to follow the exact diet with full precision. Instead start by replacing the existing items with something similar yet less harmful. Try and have smaller meals after regular intervals instead of overeating at one go.

Check ups

Does your skin curl at the thought of a check-up? Well then let us tell you that having regular check-up’s is mandatory after a primary angioplasty. These follow ups check the efficacy of the treatment, and find out if there is any complication after the procedure. By ignoring the check-ups you are increasing the possibility of facing the same situation once again.

Summing up

Primary angioplasty can bring back your heart health to normalcy. However the resultant precautions you take will decide its final efficacy. If you want a primary angioplasty done you must contact Dr Raghu . With his vast experience in the field you can be assured of being in the best hands. Contact him to find out what ails your heart and how Dr Raghu can restore it to normalcy.